References to the parish of Duddingston, Midlothian in the marriage register of the parish of Edinburgh, 1701-1750

[Source: The register of marriages for the parish of Edinburgh 1701-1750]

See also the corresponding pages for 1595-1700 and 1751-1800

Burgess, unless stated otherwise, means Burgess of Edinburgh on this page. Similarly, indweller means indweller in Edinburgh, i.e. an inhabitant of Edinburgh who was not a burgess.

The parish of Edinburgh is the area within the burgh wall of Edinburgh; it covers the High Street, the Cowgate, the Grassmarket and the closes off these.

The date given is most likely the date of booking, prior to proclamation
pro. = date of proclamation of banns
m. = actual date of the marriage
d. = daughter; s. = son; p. = par. = parish; ser. = servitor / servitrix (i.e. servant)
N. E. p. = North-East (sub-)parish of Edinburgh
N. K. p. = North Kirk (sub-)parish of Edinburgh
N. N. K. p. = New North Kirk (sub-)parish of Edinburgh
N. W. p. = North-West (sub-)parish of Edinburgh
O. = Old
S. E. p. = South-East (sub-)parish of Edinburgh
S. K. p. = South Kirk (sub-)parish of Edinburgh
S. S. E. p. = South-south-east (sub-)parish of Edinburgh
S. W. p. = South-West (sub-)parish of Edinburgh

Anderson, John, ser. to Bethia Brand, widow of William Cleghorn, merchant, in S. W. p.Mary Black, d. of John B., farmer in Duddingston Mains17 Jun 1716
m. 12 Jul 1716
Beatson, Robert, s. of late Thomas B., farmer in Bishoprigg in Yorkshire, now in N. K. p.Jane Hope, d. of James H., indw. in Duddingston, now in S. E. p.5s.
30 Mar 1740
m. 29 Apr 1740
Bell, John, smith, in Duddingston par.Jean Bell, ser. to John Cleghorn, late bailie, in S. W. p.8 Oct 1710
m. 3 Nov 1710
Brown, William, weaver in Wester DuddingstonAgnes Brown, widow of John Fisher, indweller, now in S. E. p.18 Oct 1730
m. 20 Nov 1730
Cockburn, John, baker in DuddingstonIsobel Allan, ser. to Deacon Henry Antonies, wright, in S. S. E. p.13 Dec 1747
Davidson, William, wigmaker, burgess, in N. E. p.Marion Wright, d. of late Robert W., merchant in Linton [i.e. Prestonkirk], now in Duddingston par.5 Feb 1710
m. (at Duddingston) 3 Mar 1710
Denholme, Robert, s. of late Cuthbert D., farmer in Blackford, in W. K. p.Janet Gourlay, d. of late Henry G., maltman in Duddingston, now in S. W. p.10 Sept. 1727
Duncan, Charles, jeweller, burgessChristian Craw, d. of Mr Patrick C. of Heughhead, in Duddingston par.31 Aug 1707
Gibson, David, journeyman wright, in N. W. p.Catherine Marylees, d. of late George M., wright in Duddingston par., now in N. N. K. p.4s. 6d.
11 Nov 1739
Gillies, William, wright, burgess, in N. K. p.Elspeth Duncan, d. of Archibald D., farmer in Duddingston15 Oct 1727
Hackston (Haxton), Cyrus, tailor in Duddingston par.Mirable Inksetter, ser. to Mr James Ore, W.S., in N. W. p.19 Apr 1724
Hogg, William, gardener to Sir James Dick of Prestonfield, in Duddingston par.Isobel Wood, ser. to Mr James Hamilton of Pencaitland, a Senator of the College of Justice, in S. E. p.9 Jun 1717
m. 5 Jul 1717
Ker, Samuel, merchant, in N. E. p.Katherine Cook, d. of John C, cordiner in Canongate, now in Duddingston parish17 Dec 1721
m. 27 Dec 1721
Laing, William, s. of William L., farmer in Erskine, now in N. K. p.Jean Robertson, d. of James R., miller in Duddingston, now in N. K. p.7 Feb 1714
m. 23 Feb 1714
McKenzie, John, weaver in PotterowChristian Galbraith, d. of late John G., indw. in Duddingston, now in S. S. W. p.21 Jun 1730
Mitchell, William, wright in DuddingstonHelen Robertsone, widow of Patrick Warrock, wright, burgess14 Dec 1701
m. 2 Jan 1702
Nimmo, William, weaver, in S. S. E. p.Jean Merston, d. of William M., tailor in Easter Duddingston, in S. K. p.16 May 1736
Pillans, George, weaver, in N. E. p.Cicil Robertson, d. of John R., tailor in Duddingston, now in S. S. E. p.11 May 1735
m. (N. K.) 12 Jun 1735
Porteous, Francis, ser. to John Black, farmer in Duddingston par.Margaret Johnstown, ser. to Thomas Fisher, writer, in N. W. p.19 May 1706
Richardson, Robert, weaver in DuddingstonHelen Davidsone, servant to Robert Midletone, merchant, burgess22 Mar 1702
m. (at Duddingston) 24 Apr 1702
Ronaldson, Joseph, baker, burgess, in S. E. p.Margaret Walker, d. of William W., farmer in Clearburn, in par. of Duddingston5s.
27 Jan 1740
Ross, Charles, merchant, in S. E. p.Mary Law, d. of George L., indw. in DuddingstonS. E., S. S. W.
20 Jul 1735
Scott, David, s. of David S., farmer in Easter DuddingstonMargaret Anderson, d. of late William A., farmer in Kirktoun par. now in S. W. p.28 Sept. 1712
m. 24 Oct 1712
Smith, David, s. of Alexander S., tailor in Duddingston, now in Liberton par.Margaret Boyd, d. of late David B., mason, in N. E. p.30 May 1714
m. 18 Jun 1714
Spottiswoode, William, candlemaker, burgessAgnes Thorntoun, d. of Ambrose T., indweller in Duddingston25 Jan 1708
m. 13 Feb 1708
Symington, William, elder, in Duddingston par.Elizabeth Milne, d. of late William M., merchant, burgess18 May 1701
Walker, William, s. of William W., tenant in Cameron, in Liberton par., now in Duddingston par.Elizabeth Johnstone, d. of William J., burgess of Edinburgh, in N. W. p.17 Jul 1743
Yule, John, woolcomber, indweller in N. E. p.Mary Alexander, d. of late John A., maltman in Leith, now in Duddingston par.6 Nov 1709
m. 25 Nov 1709

See also the corresponding pages for 1595-1700 and 1751-1800